I Feel I Have to Say This, So I Will

A lot of white, non-minority, or even other minority people feel that #Blacklivesmatter and other movements like it greatly diminish how much they can speak up in a conversation especially on the subject of police brutality. So, they sometimes say “look at both sides” or “white people are killed too” and end up completely missing the point of the conversation.

The point is not that there is this huge conspiracy and that all white people are somehow responsible. The point is to give a voice to people who frankly don’t really have one as stereotypes like “they were a no good thug” or “criminal from the ghetto” often get in the way instead of people sympathizing.

The point is to talk about this issue since crime does happen a lot more often within these demographics and so does police brutality. And we need to do something about it because nothing EVER gets done; it is always the victim’s fault.

A lot of people speak up not knowing much of the other side even if they say that they’re “trying to see both sides.” If you are not from the “hood,” if you are not a minority, if you are not someone who lives in an area where encounters with police can lead to fear of police or racist encounters (which is definitely real), you really can’t possibly know why #Blacklivesmatter supporters feel as they do. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t learn.

Learn that #Blacklivesmatter certainly doesn’t mean that “other lives don’t matter.” It doesn’t mean you need to stay quiet, it doesn’t mean the only side you can be on is the “other” side, and it doesn’t mean you have to take “a side.” It simply is a discussion that just needs to be had.

Talk to people, ask questions. Feel free to reach out, give comfort. Even if you feel it isn’t welcomed, even if your views differ politically or religiously, and even if you don’t think this is all about race. Find out what it is about.

Because when so many people are angry, it is for a reason.

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