Stop Justifying Brutality Cases

Tired of the justifications for what’s unjust. Change is necessary. Police brutality has been happening for decades and the only difference is that we now have phones to press record. This reality and these recent cases should shake us as human beings whether we’re Black or not.

However, there are people in this country who really believe that unarmed people should lose their lives if they don’t comply “enough” to an officer or officers’ liking and that any critique of law enforcement is anti-police. We can support the police who do their jobs properly while calling for reforms that will protect citizens from those who abuse their badge or are too quick to shoot to kill and ask questions later. We can also recognize that there is institutionalized racism at play and it’s been for centuries.

The Black community doesn’t have time to debate…people are being killed senselessly. What message does this sent to Black community about the value of our lives and the suspicion of our innocence? Why are there so many excuses to defend the status quo instead of unity and action regardless of color or economic status to never have cases like these happen.

What happened Alton Sterling and Philando Castile was beyond horrible and can one day happen to any of us in this country…regardless of background…this is why change needs to happen now.

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