COVID-19 Message

The COVID-19 virus has caused tragedy worldwide and we’re still dealing with our new reality. This pandemic has shown us that we’re in this together and we are truly one world.

Internationally, many people have lost loved ones. In the US, many people have been furloughed, lost their jobs, or are working from home. Students, parents, and teachers have navigated through the new waters of online learning. Businesses have also struggled economically.

As more states in the US take steps towards reopening, we encourage everyone to stay safe. It’s important that we listen to the science and the data provided by experts especially since there’s no cure, vaccine, or proven treatment for this disease. We still don’t completely have a grasp on how many people are infected and how many people are asymptomatic, yet still pose a risk to others.

Please continue to follow the protocols of social distancing. Wear masks and wash your hands to keep yourselves, your loved ones, and your neighbors safe. We are a community and we need to look out for each other.

Thank you to all essential workers: doctors, nurses, all hospital and healthcare workers, and those who work in grocery, delivery, transportation, and food services. Thank you to everyone who has been front and center keeping this country going during this trying time.

Stay safe, everyone.

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