A Tragedy is Still a Tragedy

There have been lots of commentary on social media about the mainstream media’s focus on the #ParisAttacks and not providing enough news on #BeirutAttacks and other attacks or problems worldwide. We as a society should have this debate without cheapening the suffering of families in mourning and those who are injured or fighting to survive.

A country’s history, economic standing, or demographics does not lessen the value of its citizens’ lives nor does it justify the loss of innocent lives. Tragic events are tragic events.

Our media needs to do a better job with sharing information to the masses and it is our right as the public to call them out on it. However, we can all care about Paris, Beirut, the Syrian refugee crisis, and atrocities in other places around the world while still caring about the issues that currently impact different groups in the United States.

We can multitask our sympathies and support as well as our intake of information because we are part of a global society in which everything has the ability to touch us all. As a society and world, let’s stop placing a hierarchy on human life and experiences. Let’s talk about all the issues that matter not just when it’s popular to do so.


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