Pres. Obama Explains #Blacklivesmatter

President Obama has been more outspoken than any other president that I can remember on the real issues facing minority communities especially the Black community. His recent commentary on #Blacklivesmatter and a previous interview discussing the criminal justice system are exactly what this movement is all about.

It is easy for some to disregard the #Blacklivesmatter movement without understanding the facts and the message behind it. #Blacklivesmatter was not created to dismiss that #Allivesmatter or that #BlueLivesMatter even though the latter phrases were created in response to #Blacklivesmatter. The purpose of this movement is to inform the public of the issues that the Black community is facing specifically in relation to police brutality so that we as a society can come up with a solution to combat the institutionalized racism that didn’t just disappear after the victories of the civil rights movement.

The youth who started the #Blacklivesmatter are helping to create this much needed discussion and their impact has spread into the 2016 Democratic Presidential race. They have challenged the frontrunners for the Democratic party nomination, Secretary Hillary Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders, at political rallies. #Blacklivesmatter has been mentioned during the debates; the candidates have provided encouraging responses to the movement and plans for reform if they were elected to office. #Blacklivesmatter should hold the candidates in the 2016 election and other elected officials accountable in engaging with the Black community and creating helpful policies for our communities around the country.

This dialogue should continue and the country should listen. The fact that there are people against this movement or are misinterpreting its message, only supports the reason for its existence. Why would anyone who wants opportunity and equality for all people in our society feel threatened by the words: Black Lives Matter?

If #Allivesmatter and #BlueLivesMatter so does #Blacklivesmatter. To support one cause doesn’t mean we can’t support others and work towards common goals that would improve our society overall.

Pres. Obama on Criminal Justice System

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